
Ready to maximize your savings with our highest dividend rates? Certificates give you options and opportunity. 

A low-risk investment with a high-rate return 

When you have money to invest, an Azura Certificate can enhance your savings without the volatility of the stock market. Lock in some of our best dividend rates and watch your balance grow. Whether you're saving for a purchase in the short term or making important plans for the far-off future, our Certificates can help create a valuable savings strategy.
  • Open with a $500 minimum deposit 
  • Choose terms of 6, 12, 24, 30*, 36, 48 and 60 months, plus limited time specials
  • Grow your money at a fixed rate through the full term
  • Additional deposits accepted within a 10-day grace period after maturity
  • Certificates automatically renew at the current rate offered
  • All Certificates are subject to penalties for early withdrawal (See Truth-In-Savings for exceptions)
Effective date: 
Term Rate APYT
6 month 2.00% 2.02%
12 month 2.50% 2.53%
14 month Special** 4.35% 4.44%
24 month 3.00% 3.04%
30 month Bump Rate* 3.50% 3.56%
36 month 3.40% 3.45%
48 month 3.50% 3.56%
60 month 3.60% 3.66%
APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates subject to change without notice. $500 minimum to open Share Certificate. Personal, business, and IRA funds are eligible. Brokered, third party funds are not eligible. Fees could reduce earnings. Penalty for early withdrawal. Early withdrawal penalties are subject to Certificate term length:
  • Terms of 12 months or less: 90 days dividends
  • Terms of >12 and <48 months: 180 days dividends
  • Terms of 48 months & longer: 365 days dividends

*The Bump Rate Option allows a member to choose to “bump” their rate one time for the 30 month Share Certificate, if the current rate being offered is higher. Contact Azura Credit Union to activate the bump rate. Each 30 month term has one bump available. The 30 month Bump Rate Share Certificate will automatically renew as another 30 month Bump Rate Share Certificate, unless changes are made during the grace period. Early withdrawal penalty will reduce earnings on the account. Limited time offer. Rates subject to change without notice. 

**The 14 Month Special will automatically renew at a standard 12 month term upon maturity. Early withdrawal penalty will reduce earnings on the account. Limited time offer. Rates subject to change without notice.

With terms stretching to several years, you can save money for long-term goals, including retirement through our IRA options.

Your locked interest rate means you can accurately predict how much more money you'll have once your Certificate matures. Dividends automatically roll back into the Certificate to maximize your earnings, but you have other options. You can also choose for dividends to be credited to your Azura checking or savings account, or paid to you by check.

  • Track growth online or on your mobile device
  • Access free e-statements
