Your company and our credit union make a great pair. Become a Preferred Partner so you and your employees can benefit from a variety of complimentary resources.
There is no cost to you and plenty of value for your team.
You are always looking for an edge to recruit and retain talented employees. Here is a cost-effective way to enhance your benefits package–provide Azura Credit Union membership through our Preferred Partner program.
Benefits for You
There is no cost for your company to become a Preferred Partner and boost your benefits package. The resources we provide through on-site visits and online platforms help your employees improve their financial situations. When people feel confident about their finances, their morale is higher in the workplace.
Benefits for Your Employees
By joining Azura, your team can take advantage of all the accounts, services and expertise we provide. We meet each member where they are, providing customized guidance that fits their needs. From learning daily money management skills to retirement planning and everything in between, Azura is a financial partner for every stage.
What We Deliver
Visits to your workplace to meet your team and share knowledge at your request
Free Seminars or Lunch-and-Learns on popular financial topics
Free one-on-one financial counseling
Free giveaways, lunch and fantastic perks for your staff
Online Learning with a customized page for your company
Personal interactions to build relationships and trust
Access to a local not-for-profit financial institution that puts people over profit
Programs in Action
Our in-person visits and presentations allow us to connect with people in our communities and give them a personal look at how we prioritize our members. Here are some examples of our recent financial wellness events.
Partnered with Boys & Girls Club Topeka (BGCT) to provide financial literacy classes to parents and teens
Hosted financial literacy classes for Omni Circle and continue to present gift cards to those who complete online classes
Partnered with Washburn University for financial literacy courses for students